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July 2023

The Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild (CMQG) Monthly Meeting was at 7pm July 13, 2023 at the Corvallis Community Center with Camille Ainsworth presiding. This was a hybrid meeting with six Zoom attendees and about 20 in-person attendees.

Program: Diana F gave a combination slide show and trunk show about quilt coats. Her love of quilt coats began when she was a girl and received one made by her mother. Diana has made a remarkable variety of such coats and led us through her process of choosing a starting coat pattern, modifying it as desired and then designing a quilt to use in its construction. She displayed many beautiful quilt coats. Diana is willing to give additional advice if you want to try it.

Mary’s River Quilt Guild: Teresa Valentine, president of the MRQG, attended our meeting and invited us to attend the August 24 meeting of the MRQG. It will be at the Philomath Museum.

Raffle Drawing: Jennie won a $20 gift certificate to the Quiltbasket and Laurie won a $20 gift certificate to Jean Marie’s Fabrics. Both companies have excellent online stores.

Show-and-tell: Twelve members had Show-and-Tell items this month including two who displayed quilt coats they had made. Several members brought 12-inch monochromatic quilts for the quilt exhibit. Either bring your S&T items to the meeting or send photos to

Quilt Exhibit at Philomath Museum: We will be exhibiting quilts from July 29 through September 9 at the museum. Members brought quilts to the meeting and gave them to Janet to be exhibited. It is not too late to have a quilt or 12-inch monochromatic quilt in the show, but Janet needs to have all the quilts by July 20. Please get quilts to Janet or Pattie. Contact Janet for information.

Swap Challenge: Susan leads this. Members exchanged “ugly” fabrics at the May meeting, made them into 12 ½ inch blocks and then exchanged these at this meeting. Participants will now make these into quilts and give them to the original ugly fabric owner in September.

Ultimate Finisher: Don’t forget that you can participate in the Ultimate Finisher contest. Sheets are $10 each and you can list up to ten projects on your sheet. You don’t need to list all ten projects in the beginning but can instead add projects to your list through the year. You just need to let Lorna know when you add a project. UF sheets and checks are sent to Lorna. See the website for details.

Potluck Picnic: Pattie D is hosting a potluck picnic on July 29 from 5 to 8pm at her home for members and their families. She will provide burgers and hot dogs. Bring your own place setting and a chair. She has sent out information and a sign-up sheet.

August Monthly Meeting: Pattie, Diana and Missy will speak on English paper piecing on August 10.

Dye Day at Maxtivity: Camille will be teaching a class at Maxtivity on dying fabric on July 29 from 9am to 1pm. Maxtivity is a shop in Philomath providing space for arts and crafts. There is a $20 fee to cover costs. Participants need to bring fabric and containers to take fabric home. Camille will provide dyes and other supplies. If interested contact Camille at

Volunteers needed at events: Volunteers are needed to help man the information booths at the Corvallis Farmer’s Market (August 19) and the Clothesline art sale (August 5). Contact Camille to volunteer.

Book Club: The book club meets monthly at 7pm on the last Wednesday of the month, which is July 26. This month’s book is The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Johansson. The August book is Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng. Contact Janet or Missy if you wish to participate. Members can participate in just one month if there is a particular book they are interested in.

Upcoming Events: More information on these events is either above or will be shared later.

July 15, Virtual Sew Day

July 23 18, In-person Sew Day at Consumer Power, 10am -4pm

July 20, Last date for 12-inch challenge quilts and other entries for the Philomath Quilt Exhibit to be given to Janet or Pattie.

July 26, Book Club

July 28, Reception at Philomath Museum

July 29, Dye Day at Maxtivity in Philomath

July 29, Potluck picnic

August 6, Hand Sewing at Pattie’s

August 10, Monthly meeting, English Paper Piecing.

August 30, Book Club

July 29- Sep 9, Exhibit at Philomath Museum

August 5, Clothesline Art Sale

August 19, Corvallis Farmer’s Market

August 24, The Mary’s River Quilt Guild has invited us to their meeting

Sept 14, Monthly Meeting. Tucker Templates

Sept 16, Workshop 1 with Jacquie Gehring

Oct 12, Monthly Meeting

Oct 14, Workshop 2 with Jacquie Gehring

Submitted by Nancy Mandel, secretary of CMQG


© 2023-2025 by Corvallis Modern Quilt Guild

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